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Handler · Version 1

BMC Remedy Email HTML Message Create BMC Remedy

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Name Description Sample
server Remedy Server Name or IP Address
username Remedy Login Name
password Remedy Password
port Remedy TCP Port 0
prognum Remedy RPC Prognum 0
authentication Remedy Authentication String
enable_debug_logging Enable debug logging if the value is set to 'Yes'. No
mailbox_name Mailbox Name of the Mailbox Configuration that will be used to send email messages
Name Description Sample
To The address the email message will be sent to <%= @answers['Recipient'] %>
Subject The subject of the email message <%= @answers['Message Subject'] %>
Body The body of the email message <%= @answers['Message Body'] %>
Priority The priority associated with the email message 3
Submitter Remedy User ID to be listed as the submitter of the email message KD_WEBUSER
Name Description
Entry Id The Entry Id of the Email Message record that was created.

BMCRemedyEmailMessageCreateV1 (2014-12-18)

  • Initial version.
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