Name Required Description
Kapp Slug true The slug of the Kapp to find submissions in.
Form Slug false The slug of the Form to find submissions in. If none provided, can only use Kapp Fields in search query
Form Type false The Type of Form to find submissions in.
Core State false Searches for submissions that have a core state that matches this parameter. If no value is provided, the results will contain submissions in all core states.
Limit false Limit the number of results returned. If not provided, the server will limit the results to 25 submissions. Maximum limit 1000
Query false Query to use to fetch submissions. (i.e values[First Name]="Fred")
Timeline false Date property to search by. The default value is createdAt.
Direction false Result Set sorting direction. The default value is descending.
Start Date/Time false Start date/time of the timeline. This value should be used to both refine and limit the search results. Format should be yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'
End Date/Time false End date/time of the timeline. This value should be used to both refine and limit the search results. Formatshould be yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'
Next Page Token false The value to use as the offset for the page of submissions to return. The submission that matches this value will not be included in the results.
JSON representation of the list of Submissions found
The value to use as the offset for the next page of submissions to return
Number of submissions Found
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