Retrieves a Salesforce Contact record with the given Contact Id.
This handler essentially has two phases: authentication and record retrieval.
The handler uses the SOAP API login method to retrieve the authentication details that are required for making the REST API requests. The required authentication values are instance and session id, these two values are retrieved by the login() helper method in the handler.
The handler uses the REST API to retrieve the Salesforce record. The handler's return variables are mapped from the Salesforce fields as show here (with the name of the Salesforce field on the left pointing to the name of the corresponding return variable):
- Salutation => Salutation
- FirstName => First Name
- LastName => Last Name
- Title => Title
- Department => Department
- MailingStreet => Mailing Street
- MailingCity => Mailing City
- MailingState => Mailing State/Province
- MailingPostalCode => Mailing Zip/Postal Code
- MailingCountry => Mailing Country
- Phone => Phone
- HomePhone => Home Phone
- MobilePhone => Mobile
- Fax => Fax
- Email => Email
- Description => Description