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What’s New on Kinetic Community – March 2014

Kinetic Community is the place for Kinetic Data customers to find and discuss product support materials as well as presentations from KEG events.

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Mar 18, 2014

Kinetic Community is the information and interaction hub for users of Kinetic Data software. It’s the place to find and discuss product documentation, videos, presentations, training class materials, downloads, example service items, task handlers, bundles, bridges and more–as well as presentations and training materials from the 2014 Kinetic Enthusiasts Group (KEG) event.

Kinetic Community
Here is what’s new on the site over the past eight weeks:

Add a Hyperlink to a Service Item (March 10, 2014)

Would you like to add a Hyperlink to my Service Item which will open a new Tab and display some related information? Here are samples and instructions. This example creates a Hyperlink which will take the end user to the Kinetic Data Web Site.

Jira Handlers (February 19, 2014)

Jira handlers have been added to community! These handlers interact with Jira, an issue and project tracking software, and allow you to interact with groups, create and delete issues in a Jira project, and create new  users.

How to Use the Data Management Console (February 7, 2014)

Here is the process behind deciding how to store and access data in the Data Management Console (DMC). This use case explains the process of storing information for a dynamic list in the DMC. In this use case there are three dynamic lists on a service item that need to display different options for different departments.


You can view more “John-ism” videos here.

Multiple Checkbox Option Events (February 4, 2014)

A Customer has a requirement to use Multiple Checkbox Values to Insert and Remove another Question. A good use for this type of functionality would be on an Application Request Service Item. A sample Service Item is created to show how this functionality can be used.

Data Management Console (February 3, 2014)

The Data Management Console uses Kinetic Request and Task functionality to allow display and easy editing of data. The “data” can consist of items that support Kinetic Request processes, or can be data that just needs a better way of being edited/reviewed.

Kinetic Helper Record Update (January 31, 2014)

A new version of the Kinetic Helper Record Update handler has been loaded on Community. This version will update the specified record regardless of it’s status. This updates a specified record with the specified values in the KS_SRV_Helper form. This can be used, in conjunction with the other helper record handlers, to store data about a service item.

Kinetic Request Submission Close All Open (January 31, 2014)

Updates the Validation Status, the status that is displayed to the end user, and sets the Request Status to “Closed” for all open requests associated with the provided originating ID. This can be helpful in situations where a request has “children”, either child request, kinetic work orders, clones or other items that have the originating ID that all need to be closed. This prevents having to use a loop to do these at the end of these workflows.

BMC Remedy ITSM7 (January 30, 2014)

Handlers useful for interacting with BMC Remedy ITSM7 application. The following ITSM7 Work Order (WOI:WorkOrder) handlers are available on Community: BMC ITSM7 (SRM) Work Order Templated Create BMC ITSM7 Work Order Status Update BMC ITSM7 Work Order Work Info Create.

Google Calendar Adapter (January 26, 2014)

Handlers are useful for interacting with BMC Remedy ITSM7 application. The following ITSM7 Work Order (WOI:WorkOrder) handlers are available on Community: BMC ITSM7 (SRM) Work Order Templated Create BMC ITSM7 Work Order Status Update BMC ITSM7 Work Order Work Info Create.

Google Calendar Adapter (January 26, 2014)

Kinetic Calendar Google Adapter version 1.0 has been released. This adapter allows displaying event information from a Google calendar on your Kinetic Calendar.

HP Service Manager Handlers (January 14, 2014)

Handlers have been added to interact with the HP Service Manger. Currently uploaded handlers interact specifically with incidents, including creating, updating, and adding an activity to an incident.

To learn more, check out all recent updates and resource additions on Kinetic Community.

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