Evolving Strategies in Platform Operations: Harnessing Automation and DevOps for Enhanced Efficiency and Reliability

Platform operations strategies - DevOps plus automation

At the core of Kinetic Data’s operations is a dynamic, versatile platform that underpins both our SaaS offerings and customer-managed deployments. Our platform is built on a sophisticated microservices architecture that consists of several distinct microservices which handle various features and functionality to deliver mission-critical solutions to our end users.

Nonetheless, the complexity inherent in microservices, coupled with the demand for quick deployment cycles, introduces distinct challenges. Overcoming these challenges necessitates not only creative thinking but also practical solutions.

This article delves into our path to operational excellence, achieved by strategically incorporating automation and DevOps practices. It’s a narrative of establishing new standards in efficiency and reliability, ensuring our platform, whether hosted by us or managed by clients, runs without a hitch. 

The Role of Automation in Platform Operations

Automation has played a crucial role in addressing the operational hurdles presented by our microservices framework. By automating critical operational procedures, we’ve drastically cut down on manual tasks, diminishing errors and boosting efficiency.

Key technologies like Kubernetes for container orchestration and GitHub Actions for continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) have been instrumental in our automation strategy, facilitating fast, secure rollouts in both our SaaS and client-managed setups.

Our exploration of AWS CloudFormation and Terraform furthers our automation capabilities, aiming to expedite and refine the setup of identical environments for various purposes, such as backup and recovery testing, or migrations from one infrastructure environment to another.

This automation not only ensures consistency but also enables quicker scaling and modification of our processes. By treating our configurations as code, we maintain an accurate change history, enhancing traceability and scalability.

Containerization and Kubernetes:

Kinetic Data aims to support both customer-managed deployments and our SaaS solution, necessitating software that is deployable and performs reliably across diverse environments.

By choosing containerization of our application components, we’ve removed the uncertainties and complexities of the underlying infrastructure. Containerization allows us to abstract the operating system that our application runs on into the “container” that the application is running in, as well as any related dependencies.

For example, for an application that runs in the JVM (Java Virtual Machine), we package the JVM into the container as well as the application.  The underlying machine the application is running on no longer needs to have a specific version of Java installed to function, as it is bundled within the application.

Using Kubernetes allows us to orchestrate all of the individual application components (within containers) in a single environment, with load balancing, network management, and redundancy built in as first-class features. Kubernetes handles running these containerized applications within “virtual machines” and maintains that those applications can communicate with each other, where needed. 

GitHub Actions:

GitHub Actions has enabled us to establish a uniform build process across all microservices. A single push initiates security scans, linting, tests, builds, packaging, and releases, with automated checks for security compliance and test or policy failures. This allows for timely intervention before changes reach not only our Production environment, but even our testing environments.

We continue to explore Github Actions’ versatility, particularly for integration testing with our diverse technology stack, including multiple databases and external dependencies. This integration empowers us to seamlessly incorporate dependency testing into our deployment workflow.

DevOps: Bridging Development and Operations

DevOps fosters an environment where operations teams do not need to master software development. This division allows operations to concentrate on infrastructure and deployment logistics, while developers focus on software functionality. It embodies a “best of both worlds” scenario, where each team leverages its strengths, contributing to efficient and expert software development and deployment.

It bridges the gap between development and operations, turning them into a single, efficient team. By sharing tasks and automating the deployment pipeline, it cuts down on delays, improves communication, and speeds up software delivery without sacrificing quality or security. At the core of DevOps are CI/CD pipelines, which automate testing, scanning, and deploying code changes, allowing for quick adjustments to market demands.

This approach sets clear roles: operations teams outline how applications should be built, letting developers concentrate on creating new features without worrying about deployment details. Think of it as a streamlined factory: developers bake the bread (write the code), and the automated system performs slicing and packaging (testing and deploying), ensuring everything fits perfectly before hitting the shelves.

This automated build process guarantees rigorous testing and security measures, like vulnerability scanning, ensuring the software meets all pre-defined safety and reliability standards before any release.


For those embarking on this journey, we recommend starting with small-scale automation, like automating code testing, and cultivating a culture of continuous learning and improvement. Engaging with communities offers insights into the latest tools and practices. With myriad options available, select what best fits your team’s needs and budget.


Integrating automation and DevOps at Kinetic Data marks a crucial evolution in platform operations management. This strategy not only addresses the challenges of modern digital platforms but also unlocks unprecedented levels of efficiency, reliability, and agility.

Our journey underscores our commitment to innovation and excellence, ensuring our platform remains a leader in operational efficiency.